The web address for PDFA is located below, as well as a few recent press releases regarding these workshops. We were interviewed by Sergeant Darren Burch of the Phoenix Police Department and Silent Witness Program on his radio show. Our interviews will air on consecutive Sundays on 3 separate local radio stations; News KTAR (92.3 FM) at 5:30 AM, PEAK (98.7 FM) at 6:30 AM, and Sports KTAR (620 AM) at 6:15 AM.
These stations stream their broadcasts online, so if you are not in the Phoenix area you can still tune in.
CONTACT: BETH WILKINSON (602) 957-8881 | FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 16, 2010 |
The Arizona Affiliate of the Partnership for a Drug-Free America announces the launch of AZ Parents Connect. AZ Parents Connect is a research-based community education program developed by the Partnership to raise awareness of teen alcohol, marijuana and prescription drug abuse in Arizona by targeting parents, health care professionals and military families.
AZ Parents Connect will focus on the three important steps of “prevention, intervention, treatment” through parent workshops, in-person and online community trainings.
The free workshops will be presented in 12 sessions that will take place Saturdays from noon to 1 p.m. in central Phoenix. The sessions will be led by Partnership staff and Chris Wilkins, a master level professional counselor, and will focus on topics such as substance abuse risk factors, the stages of addiction and relapse prevention.
“These workshops are a way to connect parents to resources and practical information that will help them guide their children to live healthy, drug-free lives,” said workshop coordinator Kim Obert. Parents can attend one or all of the sessions and can register by calling the Partnership at (602) 264-5700. The first session will take place August 21. For a full list of session topics and dates, visit
Additionally, AZ Parents Connect will feature a multimedia presentation delivered by healthcare and prevention professionals to parents and interested community groups. Community and faith-based organizations interested in scheduling a free presentation on the consequences of drug use, teen brain and how to spot drug use should contact the Partnership at the above number or by e-mail at
“Prescription drug abuse has become our biggest problem among teens here in Arizona,” said Shelly Mowrey, director of programs and communications for the Arizona Affiliate. “Arizona teens are also using marijuana and alcohol at high rates. We will address these alarming trends with AZ Parents Connect by providing parents and caregivers with the tools they need to talk to their kids about substance abuse – and giving families the tools they need for intervention and treatment, if necessary.”
For more information about AZ Parents Connect, visit
This project is supported by a grant from the Governor’s Office for Children, Youth and Families.
About the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, Arizona Affiliate
The Arizona Affiliate was established in 2003 to carry out The Partnership’s mission to reduce illicit drug use in Arizona while meeting the unique needs of communities. Through its programs, the Arizona Affiliate inspires and empowers Arizonans to join in a united effort to prevent illicit drug use among teens through community-based education. The Arizona Affiliate is a non profit 501-c-3 organization.
For more information, visit the Affiliate website at