Introspection and Humor

In this busy world, I find it incredibly important to have time to laugh and reflect. I want people to start having internal discussions. Challenge yourself and learn to become more passionate about your beliefs, while having a release from the every-day drain. I meditate often and promote this experience, it helps us tap into things inside our minds that we don't often attempt to connect with. If we can get beyond ourselves and our self-imposed limitations, we will be able to accomplish so much more.

Integrative Wellness Coach and Active Lifestyle Adviser

Chris Wilkins is a Motivational Integrative Wellness Coach and Active Lifestyle Adviser from Phoenix, now based in Mapleton, Utah. His experience as an addictions and mental health therapist and life skills coach, as well as degrees in psychology and social work, have strengthened Chris' abilities to consult with individuals and groups in a confident, comfortable and effective manner. Chris is skilled at motivating clients to achieve goals and realize greater success and, as a result, happiness. Chris' innovative method is supportive yet challenging, and allows for clients to overcome self-imposed limitations and discard barriers to success. Chris works with clients in a wide variety of occupations and situations.
Areas of emphasis are:

Mindfulness Practice
Interpersonal Communication
Exercise and Fitness

If you would like to begin a journey toward greater success, fulfillment, happiness, peace of mind/body/spirit and general well-being, contact Chris to determine if he can help clear your path and remove the clutter from your life in order to focus on goals and the best possible ways to achieve them. Initial consultations are free and services are catered to fit your schedule and individual needs.

Chris Wilkins, MSW, LMSW, CSW
Cell: (801) 318-1882

**Wellness Coaching is NOT Mental Health counseling, treatment or therapy.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Are You Empowered?

Ever seen those funny commercials and YouTube videos where awkward parents invade their teens' lives just as they appear intent on making a poor, albeit often pressured, decision about drinking alcohol? In 2006, in response to alarming new research on how alcohol harms the fragile and developing teenage brain, causing brain impairment and early addiction, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services began an initiative to halt underage drinking. is a media and education campaign funded by Utah's Legislature and is designed to do exactly that: Prevent underage drinking in our state by providing parents with information about the devastating effects of alcohol on the developing teenage brain. So let's get motivated to take a more active role in keeping our kids alcohol-free.

Kids need help to stay alcohol-free. There are constant pressures and opportunities to drink. The area of the brain that encourages impulsivity and risk-taking (cerebellum) develops early in teens, while the area that improves self-control (prefrontal cortex) doesn't develop until the early 20s. Research shows that parental disapproval of underage drinking is the #1 reason youth choose to not drink. Telling your kids that alcohol consumption is NOT okay will go a long way in carving their moral judgment and increasing the likelihood of their choosing against drinking.

The Power of Parents: Teenagers still listen to their parents more than anybody else. Around puberty, kids naturally push away from their parents, potentially resulting in the parents feeling that they've lost their influence on their teens. WRONG! Teenagers report just the opposite! Parents DO make a difference!

Skills and tips to prevent underage drinking:
            1. Bonding: Create a positive, loving home environment. Have daily positive interactions. Notice your child's emotional well-being. Children who feel close to their parents are less likely to drink.
            2. Boundaries: Teach the risks of underage drinking. Parents need to set clear rules and expectations about no underage drinking. Help kids choose friends wisely.
            3. Monitoring: Know where your children are. Know who they're with. Know what they're doing. Ensure an alcohol-free environment.

Parents are busier than ever before, so staying involved isn't easy! But making that extra effort to stay close to your kids will make a powerful difference in keeping them alcohol and addiction-free, with a healthy, fully-functioning brain. Check out and for more tips on how to engage your kids in discussion about preventing drug use. Putting in a little extra effort now will save a lot of time and grief later. After all, wouldn't you rather prevent a life-threatening disease before it even happens?

-Written by: Chris Wilkins, ASAP Coalition
(Information taken from:, 2012; and, 2012)

Friday, July 13, 2012

"Always continue the climb. It is possible for you to do whatever you choose, if you first get to know who you are and are willing to work with a power that is greater than ourselves to do it." - Oprah Winfrey

I've always believed this in my heart. There have, certainly however, been times where doubt creeps in a little more than it should. Recognizing potential opportunities, if we are willing to work diligently and sacrifice, can give the courage and momentum needed to give up the unnecessary and prioritize effectively. 

I will succeed. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Stress Relief

There's no shortage of anxiety-inducing news these days: economic woes, natural disasters, crime, political unrest. Add to this backdrop stresses in our personal lives, relationships, layoffs, illness, money woes, and traffic jams, and it is clear that stressful situations are constant and inevitable. Just as serious as the stressors themselves are the adverse effects stress may have on your emotional and physical health. Many well-respected studies link stress to heart disease and stroke — the No. 1 and No. 3 causes of death, respectively, in the U.S. Stress is also implicated in a host of other ailments such as depression and anxiety, chronic lower respiratory diseases, asthma flare-ups, rheumatoid arthritis, and gastrointestinal issues. Stress is not all bad, ya know. Your perception of a real or imagined threat can spark the stress response, which prepares the body to fight or flee. That swift reflex was encoded in you for survival. Thanks to the stress response, you might suddenly jump out of the path of a speeding car or flee from a burning house. But when your stress response is evoked repeatedly, your body experiences unnecessary wear and tear — such as high blood pressure — which can lead to poor health. Even if you only have a few minutes to spare, the stress-busting suggestions described below can make your days calmer, and maybe a bit easier.

Sometimes just thinking about embarking on a program of stress control can be stressful. Rather than freeze in your tracks, start small and bask in the glow of your successes. Give yourself a week to focus on practical solutions that could help you cope with just one stumbling block or source of stress in your life. Pick a problem, and see if these suggestions work for you.

1) Frequently late? Apply time management principles. Consider your priorities (be sure to include time for your self-care) and delegate or discard unnecessary tasks. Map out your day. If you are overly optimistic about travel time, consistently give yourself an extra 15 minutes or more to get to your destinations. If lateness stems from dragging your heels, consider the underlying issue. Are you anxious about what will happen after you get to work or to a social event, for example? Or maybe you’re trying to jam too many tasks into too little time.

2) Often angry or irritated? Consider the weight of cognitive distortions. Are you magnifying a problem, jumping to conclusions, or applying emotional reasoning? Take the time to stop, breathe, reflect, and choose. Be objective. Be calm.

3) Unsure of your ability to do something? Don’t try to do it alone. If the problem is work, talk to a co-worker or supportive boss. Ask a knowledgeable friend or an organization that can supply the information you need. Write down other ways that you might get the answers or skills you need. Turn to CDs, books, or classes, for example, if you need a little tutoring. This works equally well when you’re learning relaxation techniques, too.

4) Overextended? Clear the deck of at least one time-consuming household task by hiring help. If you can, hire a housecleaning service, shop for groceries through the Internet, convene a family meeting to consider who can take on certain jobs, or barter with or pay teens for work around the house and yard. Consider what is truly essential and important to you and what might take a backseat right now.

5) Not enough time for stress relief? Try mini-relaxations. Or make a commitment to yourself to simplify your schedule for just one week so you can practice relaxation every day. Slowing down to pay attention to just one task or pleasure at hand is an excellent method of stress relief.

6) Feeling unbearably tense? Try massage, a hot bath, mini-relaxations, a body scan, or a mindful walk. Practically any exercise — a brisk walk, a quick run, a sprint up and down the stairs — will help, too. Done regularly, exercise wards off tension, as do relaxation response techniques.

7) Frequently feel pessimistic? Remind yourself of the value of learned optimism: a more joyful life and, quite possibly, better health. Practice deflating cognitive distortions. Rent funny movies and read amusing books. Create a mental list of reasons you have to feel grateful. If the list seems too short, consider beefing up your social network and adding creative, productive, and leisure activities to your life.

8) Upset by conflicts with others? State your needs or distress directly, avoiding “you always” or “you never” taboo phrases. Say, “I feel _____ when you _____.” “I would really appreciate it if you could _____.” “I need some help setting priorities. What needs to be done first and what should I tackle later?” If conflicts are a significant source of distress for you, consider taking a class on communication and/or assertiveness training.

9) Worn out or burned out? Focus on self-nurturing. Carve out time to practice relaxation response techniques or at least indulge in mini-relaxations. Care for your body by eating good, healthy food and for your heart by seeking out others. Give thought to creative, productive, and leisure activities. Consider your priorities in life: is it worth feeling this way, or is another path open to you? If you want help, consider what kind would be best. Do you want a particular task at work to be taken off your hands? Do you want to do it at a later date? Do you need someone with particular expertise to assist you?

10) Feeling lonely? Connect with others. Even little connections — a brief conversation in line at the grocery store, an exchange about local news and happenings with a neighbor, a question for a colleague — can help melt the ice within you. It may embolden you, too, to seek more opportunities to connect. Be a volunteer. Attend religious or community functions. Suggest lunch with an acquaintance. Call a friend or relative you miss. Take an interesting class. If a social phobia, low self-esteem, or depression is dampening your desire to reach out, seek help. The world is a kinder, more wondrous place when you share its pleasures and burdens.

 --Adapted from the Harvard Medical School

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Step Ten

"Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it."

This is perhaps one of the most difficult of the steps. To recognize our fault, especially after having overcome so much pain and struggle, and acknowledge that we continue to be imperfect... this has been a tall task for many. We must make a regular habit of prioritizing introspective time during our week. To be unwilling to evaluate the self; to lift the nose up, even just a little, is to turn our back on recovery and deny the very effort we made to achieve this level of understanding. It sets us up for lapse, relapse, and failure. We all have defects. Some are little. Some are enormous. But if we can acknowledge our error immediately, we not only save face by being willing to self-evaluate and accept feedback, but we grow exponentially. I like to admit that I hoard opportunities for growth. I want them. No, I don't want to be wrong all the time, but I want it to be pointed out when I am misguided or blind. I want to be able to see more clearly. We must welcome the feedback. Welcome your growth and progress.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Faith and Fear

What is it? I've always felt like my faith was incredibly strong, even unbreakable. If I felt moved to do something, I've rarely had a problem acting. I occasionally wonder where that prompting came from, and once in a while a little doubt creeps in. What is it? Intuition? God? Ego? Fear? Or something else? There are those times, though, that we abandon ship without knowing the reason. We act based on a number of thoughts but don't have a master plan. How frightening this is to me. In a past career experience I witnessed people burn bridges. In looking a little closer, I realized the individual was seeking to avoid being hurt. In order to avoid the pain, the individual irrationally felt compelled to burn the relationship before being abandoned. We fear pain. We fear loss. We are so afraid that we sometimes avoid the most precious and beautiful things in life because we can't imagine having that ripped away. What does it take to beat that fear? At times we might tell ourselves something like... If it doesn't work out, oh well... or... It's good experience... and there's the phrase... Whatever doesn't kill me... Bottom line, I find it easy to tell people how to fix their lives and create a plan of happiness. But sometimes I find it rather difficult to employ those same tactics in my own life. To experience, to hope, to faith, and to building strength and a better you, and a better me.