Introspection and Humor

In this busy world, I find it incredibly important to have time to laugh and reflect. I want people to start having internal discussions. Challenge yourself and learn to become more passionate about your beliefs, while having a release from the every-day drain. I meditate often and promote this experience, it helps us tap into things inside our minds that we don't often attempt to connect with. If we can get beyond ourselves and our self-imposed limitations, we will be able to accomplish so much more.

Integrative Wellness Coach and Active Lifestyle Adviser

Chris Wilkins is a Motivational Integrative Wellness Coach and Active Lifestyle Adviser from Phoenix, now based in Mapleton, Utah. His experience as an addictions and mental health therapist and life skills coach, as well as degrees in psychology and social work, have strengthened Chris' abilities to consult with individuals and groups in a confident, comfortable and effective manner. Chris is skilled at motivating clients to achieve goals and realize greater success and, as a result, happiness. Chris' innovative method is supportive yet challenging, and allows for clients to overcome self-imposed limitations and discard barriers to success. Chris works with clients in a wide variety of occupations and situations.
Areas of emphasis are:

Mindfulness Practice
Interpersonal Communication
Exercise and Fitness

If you would like to begin a journey toward greater success, fulfillment, happiness, peace of mind/body/spirit and general well-being, contact Chris to determine if he can help clear your path and remove the clutter from your life in order to focus on goals and the best possible ways to achieve them. Initial consultations are free and services are catered to fit your schedule and individual needs.

Chris Wilkins, MSW, LMSW, CSW
Cell: (801) 318-1882

**Wellness Coaching is NOT Mental Health counseling, treatment or therapy.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

New ways to think

Hi all,
I'm going through a week of training right now in a treatment modality that has me looking through the eyes of a select few. Realizing that in this world there are so many definitions for normal, I realize that my normal is sometimes abnormal for others. I'm hoping that the majority of my 'normal' is viewed as appropriate and acceptable to most others.

It has been stated that education plus opportunity is the formula for success. It seems that one without the other is liable to bring defeat. Perhaps those initial defeats are what prompted Franklin, Edison, the Wright brothers, and so many others who failed, to persevere and eventually find success. So the equation may allow for a substitution: Experience and Perseverance. My point is just that. The substitution. Any time we find a deficit, that we don't have all the ingredients, we can improvise. Learning from mistakes should cause a realization: Either we do the same action and, as a result, we will expect the same response; or Change the action and get a different response.

I often find myself remembering that, in life, the only absolute is that there are no absolutes. What is generally accepted for the majority will certainly be harmful or rejected by someone. By staying true to our own personal values system and continuously striving to improve, while acknowledging failure and improvising, we can directly impact ours and the lives of others for positive change.

The ways that we make decisions in life generally tend to identify what kinds of people we are. What are we focused on? Why do we act, withhold action, respond emotionally or be silent? Our unique personalities, though similar in so many ways, are an infinite mystery in determining how we will respond in all environments and following various stimuli.

I'll be sharing more in the days to come. Much gratitude and positive energy to you.


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